Event Report/Singapore| December 6, 2018 : Participated the reception held by the Embassy of Japan

Ideawoman Co. Ltd and SmileBox.jp were highly honored to exhibit at the reception by the Embassy of Japan in Singapore on December 6, 2018.

We are happy to take custom orders of the artworks by the following artisan and artists.

– Modern Urushi Lacquer ware : Matsuyama father and son.

– Curved Urushi Lacquer ware : Haruko Takahashi

– Silk Obi Table Runner :Madam Miyuki

–  Ceramics Temmoku ware : Takeshi Furukawa

Now preparing for online shop for artists and artisans of Premium Gifts from Japan. In the meanwhile, please contact us for purchase.

As exibitors,Smilebox.jp and Ideawoman, are honouredto exibit at the reception by theEmbassy of Japan in Singapore on December 7, 2018We are happy to take custom orders of the artworks by the following artrsan and artists. - Modern Urushi Lacquer ware : Matsuyama father and son. - Curved Urushi Lacquer ware : Haruko Takahashi - Silk Obi Table Runner :Madam MiyukiNow preparing for online shop for artists and artisans of Premium Gifts from Japan.

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